Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy can bring about significant physical changes that may lead to discomfort and tension for mothers-to-be. Thankfully, our spa offers the perfect way to unwind and recharge with specialized massage services designed specifically for pregnant women. Our trained therapists utilize gentle techniques to alleviate various discomforts such as joint pain, backache, and leg soreness, as well as reduce anxiety and cortisol levels. This results in improved energy levels and quality of sleep for expecting mothers.

We recognise the significance of caring for both the baby and mother during this critical period. That's why we diligently take all necessary measures to guarantee the highest level of safety during our treatment sessions. Nevertheless, if you have any concerns, it is crucial to consult with your GP before scheduling an appointment.

Benefits of Pregnancy Massage
  • Promoting blood circulation and reduce fluid build-up.
  • Supports overall physical and emotional well-being during pregnancy.
" Unconditional Love "

Please call us or book online

0208 095 0415

30 min: £55

45 min: £70

60 min: £85

Frequently Asked Questions

Pregnancy massage can be performed with as much or as little clothing as you're comfortable wearing – it's always a personal decision. Usually, we recommend that you keep underwear on, and we use towels for coverage so only the parts that are being massaged are exposed.

You can lie on your side with pillows, wedges, or a full-length body pillow for support. Some prenatal massage therapists use a special table or pad with hollowed areas and pillows to accommodate your belly and breasts, so you can lie face down.

First and foremost, always check with your doctor before receiving a prenatal massage particularly if you have diabetes, morning sickness, preeclampsia, high blood pressure, fever, a contagious virus, abdominal pain, or bleeding — they're complications that could make massage during pregnancy risky.

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