Leg Vessel

Reduce the appearance of spider veins with a non-invasive Laser treatment

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020 8371 6922

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Frequently Asked Questions

Laser energy is applied to the skin where it is readily absorbed by blood vessels, heating them to a point where they are destroyed. Following treatment, the vessels quickly clear as they are reabsorbed by the body, leaving little or no trace of the original lesion.

Treatment is mildly uncomfortable but there is no need for anaesthesia and the procedure is actually quite quick. Sensations vary but most describe this treatment as feeling like a very quick, hot pinprick.

The number of sessions required varies from client to client and is dependent on many factors. However, between 3-5 treatments are needed for best results depending on the type of leg vessel.Though small lesions may clear in just a single session, repeat treatments are spaced every 6-8 weeks.

Best results are seen following a minimum course of treatments.

Most people are suitable for treatment. We recommend a consultation with your clinician to ascertain if the treatment will be successful for you.

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